Neuropsychiatric illnesses are some of the most devastating conditions in the world. Despite being non-communicable, mental and neurological conditions are estimated to contribute to approximately 30.8% of all of the years lived in disability1. Furthermore, in developed nations like the United States, mental disorders have been reported to erode around 2.5% of the yearly gross national product, which fails to account for the opportunity cost of families who have to take care of patients long-term.1 If left untreated, many patients with neuropsychiatric illnesses cannot find gainful employment; their aberrant behavior is stigmatized and prevents forward professional and personal advancement. In fact, about three times as many individuals living with mental illnesses who are in state/local prisons rather than rehabilitative psychiatric institutions.2

Though the Affordable Care Act has substantially decreased the amount of uninsured individuals in the U.S., there are still millions of people who fall into something called the Medicaid gap.3 People in this group make too much money for Medicaid, but too little money to be able to qualify for government tax credits in purchasing an insurance plan. In an attempt to fix this ‘hole,’ the federal government offers aid to states in order to expand their Medicaid programs as needed.4 States that have accepted the Medicaid expansion sponsored by the federal government, have seen sudden reductions in their populations of uninsured people, which has directly improved quality of life for the least fortunate people in society. However, in the many states that continue to reject federal aid, the situation is considerably worse--especially for the mentally ill.

Mental health patients are especially vulnerable to falling into the Medicare gap. Many patients suffering from psychiatric conditions often are unable to find serious employment. According to a report by the Department of Health and Human Services in March 2016, there are 1.9 million low-income, uninsured individuals with mental health disorders who cannot access proper healthcare resources.5 These impoverished psychiatric patients are originally eligible for Medicare. However, once their treatment takes and they become employed, they might pass the Medicare income threshold. If their private health insurance does not cover the cost of their psychiatric treatments, patients will relapse, creating a vicious cycle that is exceptionally difficult to break out of.6

Furthermore, many psychiatric illnesses often initially present during adolescence or early adulthood, which is right around the time students leave home to go to college. So, during initial presentation, many students lack the proper support system necessary to deal with their condition, causing many to drop out of college or receive poor grades. Families often chalk up these conditions to poor adjustments to a brand new college environment at home, preventing psychiatric patients from properly receiving treatment.6 Alone, many students with psychiatric conditions delay seeking treatment, fearing being labeled as “crazy” or “insane” by their peers.

Under the status quo, psychiatric patients face significant barriers to care. As the Medicaid gap is unfortunately subject to political maneuverings, it probably will not be fixed immediately. However, the United States could fund the expansion of Assertive Community Treatment programs, which provide medication, therapy, and social support in an outpatient setting.8 Such programs dramatically reduce hospitalization times for psychiatric patients, alleviating the costs of medical treatment. Funding these programs would help insurance issues from being a deterrent to treatment.

In the current system, psychiatric patients face numerous deterrents to receiving treatment, from lack of family support to significant social stigma. Having access to health insurance be a further barrier to care is a significant oversight of the current system and ought to be corrected.


  1. World Health Organization. Chapter 2: Burden of Mental and Behavioural Disorders. 2001. 20 3 2016 <>.
  2. Torrey, E. F.; Kennard, A. D.; Elsinger, D.; Lamb, R.; Pavle, J. More Mentally Ill Persons Are in Jails and Prisons Than Hospitals: A Survey of the States .
  3. Kaiser Family Foundation. Key Facts about the Uninsured Population. 5 8 2015. 25 3 2016 <>.
  4. Ross, Janell. Obamacare mandated better mental health-care coverage. It hasn't happened. 7 8 2015. 24 3 2016 <>.
  5. Dey, J.; Rosenoff, E.; West, K. Benefits of Medicaid Expansion for Behavioral Health. 28 3 2016 <>
  6. Taskiran, Sarper. Interview. Rishi Suresh. Istanbul, 3 3 2016.
  7. Gonen, Oner Gurkan. Interview. Rishi Suresh. Houston, 1 4 2016.
  8. Assertive Community Treatment (accessed Jan 2017).
